Jess Marquez
Joining the team in August 2023 Jess has enjoyed working the pet nutrition industry for over a decade. Being an advocate of raw food in any form for every pet, Jess has spoken lovingly and widely about the benefits of OC Raw products even before she connected with us. She
Ashleigh Rudlong
Ashleigh recently joined the OC Raw’s team in January of 2023. She has worked in the pet food industry for 5 years and in pet retail for 4. Ashleigh is passionate about rescue and loves to foster dogs in her free time. She volunteers many hours a week with Rescue
Katie Cornelison
Katie started working in the office as a part time employee in 2015 and has filled in doing odds and ends for the company such as running our social media, web design, working shows around the country, assisting Olivia, and answering customer emails. Her knowledge and desire to share feeding
Angie Krause
Angie started in the Pet Industry 20 plus years ago as a merchandiser. She quickly leaned that she loved working with customers and helping them to find solutions that focus on their pet’s health and happiness. She applied for my first outside sales position and never looked back! Her passion for
Tom Allen
Tom is our Raw Guru! After working in the Raw industry in one way, shape, or form for about 18 years. Tom has been with OC Raw in his words “For 6 proud years!” Tom likes working in the pet food industry because he loves dogs. More than a lot of
Toby Hudson
Toby is married to Olivia and has played a critical role in the development of the strategic and successful sales growth of OC Raw Dog. The brand has expanded throughout the United States and Toby is well known in the markets our distributors service. He is responsible for overseeing business
Olivia Hudson
Olivia, the daughter of Dr. Stephen Lindsay, is an avid dog enthusiast dedicating her talent to improve the health of pets through her daily efforts at OC Raw headquarters and on location throughout the U.S. In the past she has competed in Confirmation and has bred 25 litters of Spanish
Dr. Stephen Lindsay
Dr. Steve is the patriarch of the family and the person responsible for the science behind OC Raw Dog’s formulations. He currently serves as Chief of Staff and vascular surgeon at the Hoag Memorial Hospital in Newport Beach. Dr Steve’s strong background in chemistry has been instrumental in the guidance